Avis Marvelous: Ornithology on the Western Frontier 1776—1896 will be on display in the Hoch Gallery from March 6 through September 4 The exhibit consists of 92 detailed engravings, chromolithographs, and lithographs kindly provided by the Lee Silliman Collection that depict 100 North American birds of the Trans-Mississippi West frontier, as well as Alaska. Such birds include quail, eagle, albatross, and many more. These 19th-century engravings, chromolithographs, and lithographs highlight the works of well-known bird illustrators such as John James Audubon, Robert Ridgeway, John L. Ridgeway, and Titian Ramsey Peale.
These vibrant original engravings were either hand-tinted or published as chromolithographs. As you browse through the collection, you’ll notice the backgrounds in the engravings may suggest the bird’s habitat. The engravings were matted and framed in handcrafted Butternut molding. Birding enthusiasts may note that some common and scientific names for species have changed since the creation of these pieces in the 19th century, especially with the advent of DNA analysis.
The REACH Museum is hosting a visiting exhibition of historic art images of the Pacific Northwest. “Columbia & Cascade: A River and A Range, 1853-1854″ features thirty-one prints selected from U.S. Pacific Railroad survey reports. These exquisitely detailed prints, made from steel engravings, include scenes of familiar locations along the Columbia River as they appeared in the 1850s, as well as botanical and zoological drawings. Those interested in regional history, local flora and fauna, and art will all find something of interest in this exhibit.
“Columbia & Cascade” features the works of several artists who excelled in documenting the beauty of the landscape while surveying for an ideal route for the railway, including John Mix Stanley, John J. Young, and John H. Richards. The U.S. government published the entire body of work from the surveys in a report chronicling the lands, waters, and native peoples of the American West. Exhibit curator Lee Silliman chose these images from two separate surveys to represent the Columbia River where it transects the Cascade Mountain range. The dramatic landscape is captured in relatively small drawings out of necessity; artists were travelling on foot and on horseback to remote areas at a time when photography had limited portability. But for their size, each image packs enough detail to keep the viewer lingering.
In the decade leading up to World War II, there was active persecution of religious minorities and political opponents. As a result, numerous leading scientists, philosophers, and academics fled to the West. Many of the refugees became naturalized U.S. citizens and some joined the Manhattan Project. The large number of immigrants working on the Manhattan Project gave the American nuclear program an international character unusual in such a top-secret endeavor. There is no question that the new U.S. citizens played a vital role in the development and completion of the Project.
Here are all the people featured:
Leo Szilard: received the Atoms for Peace Award in 1959
Walter H. Zinn: Received the Atoms for Peace Award 1960
George Kistiakowsky: Received the medal of Freedom in 1961 and the National Medal of Science in 1967
John Von Neumann: Received the Enrico Fermi Award in 1956
James Franck: Received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1925
Isidor Isaac Rabi: Received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944
Emilio Serge: Received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1959
Eugene Paul Wigner: Received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963
Maria Goeppert Mayer: Received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963
Hans Albrecht Beth: Received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1967
Chien-Shiung Wu: Received the Wolf Prize in Physics 1978
Albert Einstein: Received the Nobel Prize in 1922
Enrico Fermi: Received the Nobel Prize in 1938
Edward Teller: Received the Albert Einstein Award in 1958