Don’t forget the littlest explorers!
We welcome visitors of all ages at The REACH Museum, but we realize that most of our exhibits are designed with older children and adults in mind. That’s why we offer a special time for museum explorers ages three to five and their caregivers. Our Little Explorers program meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 10:30 to 11:30 in the morning. It’s before lunch time and nap time, but not so early that you can’t make it when your socks get misplaced in the morning. (Socks are optional anyway.)
Using storybooks, songs, and active learning, this program brings topics of local interest to a preschool level and down to earth. REACH educators, still young at heart, have fun choosing ideas that fascinate young people the most. They bring books and activities that capture that curiosity, and model how to use the museum to find out more. Many sessions Little Explorers venture outside to make discoveries on the trail or in the garden. Or they search the museum exhibits for hidden treasures, always with their adults close by!
Since we began the program in September of 2016, we have seen our Little Explorers grow into elementary students who feel at home in the museum, showing their families around with the confidence of tour guides. (If you get a chance to meet one, maybe they’ll show you how to design your own sticker in Gallery One.)
If you’ve got some young people who need active learning on a weekday morning, check our website or Facebook page for upcoming Little Explorers dates. REACH Members always get in free, and for non-members we have special Little Explorers pricing: $10 per family, up to four people, $2 for each additional child. You’re welcome to explore the exhibits before or after the program too.